Linux Installation


  1. Login to your server through SSH/open your terminal

  2. Upload the bot files into a folder of your choice.

  3. Make sure you have the required Linux packages installed (Dependencies)

  4. Be sure to use the cd < file path > command to change the terminal's path to your bot's directory.

  5. Install all node modules, you can do this by running this command npm install

  6. And then you can run the node index command to start the bot.


How to use PM2:

Start the bot with PM2 by running the following commands:

npm i pm2 -g
npm i
pm2 start index.js --name <botname>

PM2 Power Controls:

Start the bot: pm2 start <botname> Stop the bot: pm2 stop <botname> Restart the bot: pm2 restart <botname> View the bot's recent logs and live console: pm2 logs <botname>

Last updated