Our bots requires different dependencies for different operating systems. Please make sure you have all dependencies installed for your OS or our bots may not start or function properly.
These are dependencies our bots require regardless of the operating system:
Node.js v20.13.1 LTS (Download)
Hosting, (VPS, Dedicated Server, Bot hosting) We recommend at least 512mb of RAM and at least 1 core
A text editor, We recommend Visual Studio Code
A stable Internet Connection
All NPM packages listed in the package.json, These will automatically install when running the
npm install
We strongly recommend against hosting our bots on heroku,, or glitch, We will not provide support to people using those.
Windows Dependencies
Python v3.7 and above and Visual Studio Desktop Development C++
You can install these dependencies by running the following command in an administrative command prompt:
Install Node.js LTS here: Node Download
Linux Dependencies
The following linux packages are required: autoconf, automake, g++, libtool, and build-essential You can install them by running the following command:
Last updated